Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Making Professional Connections

Hi guys!
These past few weeks I have suggested blogs, vlogs, and described my personal brand. So this week I wanted to talk to you about professional social media and how I chose to create my profiles. There are many different social media outlets and there are quite a few professional ones but a popular one I chose was LinkedIn. When I first started setting up my profile, I didn’t understand how LinkedIn could help me but as I was looking at other photographers and photography businesses I saw that putting essentially a resume out there for the public is beneficial. LinkedIn is a great and easy way to spread your business by word of mouth. It is also a great site to make connections with either other photographers or even some people in similar businesses such as videographers.  I even joined a few groups which I will list below in hopes to grow my reach as a photographer.

Anyways as for creating a professional-looking social media page is important because that is not only your advertisement but also your resume. I wanted to make sure I picked social media websites that could benefit my business like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. On my “about me” section on each one, I make sure my description is clear and short (not everyone wants to read an entire blog about me). I want my followers and possible clients know what they should expect on each of my media pages. I make sure my content is appropriate and consistent. I advertise my work by posting pictures I have recently have taken or even taken in the past to show my growth as a photographer. These are just a few things to consider when creating a profile even a personal one because anyone can google you and find your social media pages. Well, that’s all I have to say so have a great week and go make connections on LinkedIn or check out the groups I found!

Non-professional photographer-

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