Sunday, July 14, 2019


I wanted to start this blog today by introducing a couple of other blogs that inspire me. Each one of them shows how important it is to be genuine, consistent, and how networking with others in your profession can be beneficial. 

 Jessica is young wedding photographer in St. Louis, Missouri and I have learned many things from her. The more important thing I have learned from her is that age doesn’t matter. You can be doing something you love no matter the age and experience are in the proof of your work. She uses her social media such as Facebook, Instagram, a blog, and a podcast to promote not only her business but her own personal brand. I know when I click on any of Jessica’s social media posts, I’m not only finding beautiful photos but a genuine post. So, the main thing I receive from her is be yourself and be consistent. 
David duChemin -
David’s blog is something similar to mine; getting the most out of life and photography. David uses his blog to share photos and tell the story behind them which usually gives you a life lesson. He also uses his blog to sell his photography which is smart since it’s at the end and more of an “afterthought”. As a reader it makes me feel like I’m not being pressured into buying his work. Since David’s personal brand is similar to my own I know there is a market for it and I also could use his as a guideline to see how to market my own business into my personal brand.
The last photography blog I would like to mention is Chase Jarvis. Even though Chase is a photographer his blog is more about making connections with other people. This is what I learned from Chase is the importance of networking and sharing others work. When he collaborates or interviews others he is not only reaching his audience but his guests’ audience as well as creating more views for his work. 
Katie Farrell uses her blog, Dashing Dish to share healthy food recipes and her faith. She uses her social media to help spread these messages as well. She has free recipes on the blog that entices people to sign up for the subscription part of her website. Through Katie’s blog, I have learned how to use my social media to spread my personal brand on several different platforms. 
The last blog I would like to mention is The Blog Abroad which is about life, travel, and spreading joy. Gloria Atonmo, the author of this blog, is very open about life and travel. She uses multiple media outlets to help her connect to a wide variety of possible readers. She also uses her social media to network and connects with other travelers and bloggers. 
The similarities of all these blogs are consistency, knowing your audience, using social media to help spread your personal brand, and lastly networking and making connections with others in your field. To become successful in the business world you need to know and understand your audience. Once you have this figured out you can use your social media and networking with others to reach a much wider audience. 

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